Summer Piano Lessons

Brunner Studios is now scheduling summer piano lessons for new students. Pick 6- 30 minute lesson slots in June and July and try out learning to play the piano. There are no contracts. The fee is $175 for 6 lessons and 2 books. Lesson times do not have to be scheduled for the same time each week. This summer! Flexibility is key. Vacations and camps come and go. Students will be asked to practice an amount based on their age and ability. There is no one size fits all model. Lessons are tailored to each student. Students will need a basic keyboard to practice on at home.
The Charlotte area is bustling with summer camps and enrichment opportunities. Why not try out musical enrichment? Lessons are open to all ages. Young or old music can be learned and enjoyed by all.

Spring Recital

Scheduling recitals is a pain the neck. There I said it. Don’t get me wrong I love recitals. Students showing off what they’ve learned. Parents and grandparents sitting with their fingers crossed. The fact that the teachers get way more butterflies than the students do. It’s all part of music lessons.
However, trying to find an appropriate time for a recital is awful. For a small studio having just a few students unable to attend puts a serious hurt on the event. Trying to find a location that is affordable and convenient can also be a challenge. Finding the balance between scheduling too far in advance and giving the students adequate time to prepare can be difficult.
There are a few things that I try to work with when looking at the calendar. We don’t do December or May recitals unless the world is coming to an end. It’s just not fair to anyone. The students are stressed and distracted by school and the approaching holidays. Parents are busy running kids here, there and yon. I try to ask for dance and sports schedules. If everyone has Nutcracker rehearsals then there is no sense in adding anything else to those Saturdays. My objective is for a recital to be an important event. Not just another event to cram into the day.
I am still trying to figure out a date for a spring recital. It looks like it will be more of an early summer event. It also helps if the teacher is in town to attend!